Successful flirting tips with pretty girls

Be yourself. Do not attempt extreme images such as macho, super-smooth, cool dude, comedian, or a pick-up artist. Even if it does impress her momentarily, the truth will surface eventually, and you will likely lose her trust and her interest. It is much better to be honest from the beginning.

2. Start a conversation with her. Most girls want guys to make the first move, so speak with confidence and flow, demonstrating that you are secure with yourself. You can pretend the confidence at first, and it will come more naturally when she responds to you.

3. Listen more than you talk. This doesn't mean sit there like a dud, but ask a question, wait until she is completely done talking, then make a comment that shows you were listening. Avoid interrupting her, because no one appreciates this, and doing so will kill your chances at making a good impression. Also, don't argue unless the issue is very important to you.

4. Be bold, but also courteous. If you can't think of anything else to say, look her in the eyes and compliment her. Don't be afraid to speak up, or you will never get anywhere!
If she has a scarf on that you think is nice, tell her, and touch her scarf for a few seconds, and ask when and where she got it. Don't forget to tell her it suits her. Use an undertone—girls love it when you lean towards them and murmur a compliment. Be careful with compliments on clothes: don't use too many or she may perceive you as a homosexual.
Don't overwhelm her with compliments. You should focus on going from "nice acquaintance" to "intimate friend/potential lover" smoothly. Intimate friends joke around, tease each other gently, touch each other. Start with touching her on the arm when you're laughing (don't watch the hand). See if she touches you.

5.Find out her interests and the music she likes. Then, talk to her about them. If you can't think of anything to talk about, use a conversation starter like "How has your day been?" or "Don't you love this time of year?". These most usually work only if you are already friends with her, and you see her on a daily basis. If you do see her on a daily basis and she mentions, for example, a vacation she is going on soon, inquire where she is going, and branch off from there; when she gets back, ask her how it was. Don't be extremely serious in your inquiry; just ask it casually.

6.Be funny. Most girls agree that a good sense of humor is attractive. Humor can also relieve awkwardness. If you say something weird, follow it up with something funny and turn it into a joke. Alternatively, just learn to be witty. Almost all girls like intelligence as well as confidence, and blending those with humor can be a very effective combination.

Teasing a girl can be a good way to make her laugh and keep things interesting. Just don't joke about something that may be a sensitive issue, such as her weight. If she strongly cares about saving the trees, for example, and you rip up paper in an attempt to get laughs, she'll just end up hating your guts.
Find something that you both think is hilarious. Turn it into an inside joke, so when you want to talk to her, you have something to say no matter what, and she thinks that something is funny. However, don't use it too much, or it loses its humor and her opinion of your humor is lowered.
7Don't be too eager to start conversing with her at every possible opportunity. When she walks into the room, you do not have to jump up and say "Hi!!" immediately, but if she sits next to you and initiates conversation, go for it!
Girls will be touched if you make the first move. Stare at her for maybe 2 seconds and, when she looks at you, look embarrassed. She'll probably laugh and remember you--for a good reason!

8.Don't be fake--it turns a girl off. If you are trying to be more macho then you are or smarter or more confident then you really are, you look desperate and that seriously upset her.

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